Good afternoon everyone! I apologize for this taking almost a week to write, but you know how it is being a mommy and then almost having jury duty on top of it. Now to my race. I love racing!!! It pushes me to my limits and lets me see just how much I can push myself when I want to. I love the motivation I get from others also! Plus, I just feel like a BEAST when I finish. It's amazing!! Waking up that morning, the nerves set in a little bit, but this is my 10th race, so I pretty much know the drill by now. I was up before the rest of my family, as usual. Ate my breakfast of a generic egg mcmuffin sandwich (not the best choice, as I will later find out). I woke up the hubby and the kids after getting dressed in the race outfit I had set out the night before. As most of you know, I am pretty OCD about getting this organized and being on time, so this is normal for me and it helps to keep me calm. Plus, it's just a good idea ...