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Showing posts from July, 2013

Fast Feet for Families 5K Recap

Good afternoon everyone!  I apologize for this taking almost a week to write, but you know how it is being a mommy and then almost having jury duty on top of it. Now to my race.  I love racing!!! It pushes me to my limits and lets me see just how much I can push myself when I want to.  I love the motivation I get from others also!  Plus, I just feel like a BEAST when I finish.  It's amazing!! Waking up that morning, the nerves set in a little bit, but this is my 10th race, so I pretty much know the drill by now.  I was up before the rest of my family, as usual.  Ate my breakfast of a generic egg mcmuffin sandwich (not the best choice, as I will later find out).  I woke up the hubby and the kids after getting dressed in the race outfit I had set out the night before.  As most of you know, I am pretty OCD about getting this organized and being on time, so this is normal for me and it helps to keep me calm.  Plus, it's just a good idea ...

To Run Or Not To Run

When I began my fitness journey, the thought of running never really even crossed my mind.  I had always told myself that I was not built to be a runner.  My thighs were too big and rubbed together.  My arms were giggly and could not pump hard enough.  And to be a little TMI, my boobs were too big and no sports bra could contain them.  I have bad knees.  I get shin splints.  What if I get hurt? What if someone comes after me?  Let me tell you, I had every excuse in the book as to why running was not for me. I ran a little bit in college for stress relief and to be active, but nothing serious.  I was more into fitness videos and starving myself to lose weight.  During college, after gaining the freshmen 20+, I was obsessed with losing it, and I would do anything to become skinny.  I ate very little and would workout for a ridiculous amount of time every day.  I even got to the point to where I was using over the...

My Story

Good Morning everyone!  This morning I would like to share my fitness/running story.  To begin with, here is a little background information about myself. I am a wife and mother of 2 beautiful kiddos.  I have been married to my best friend and biggest supporter for 7 years, Jason.  Together we have Madeline, 4, and Elijah, 3.  We also have our puppy babies: Bosco, Mugsy, and Marley.  We all enjoy spending time outdoors fishing, camping, talking walks and bike rides.  We are a family striving to be happy, healthy, and active. Now to my huge realization.  After having my 2 wonderful children, I was overweight and extremely unhappy.  I was trying to lose weight, but the commitment wasn't there and I need some help and inspiration.  I began a discussion with a very good friend and former colleague of mine about weight loss since she had lost quite a bit of weight herself.  After these discussions, I was motivated and inspired to sta...