July is a slow racing month for me. I like it that way though, as it can get quite hot in Wisco!!
Milton Optimist Fourth of July 10K
July 4, 2014
I have not run this race before and this year I felt silly knowing that I would be running that day anyway through Milton, so I signed up. It was a warm morning, but I wore my hydration belt with electrolyte tabs in it again. I knew that even though the race began at 8 that it would get hot. Plus we were running on country roads without much shade. This race starts and ends at our local high school and winds its way a block from my house! Beautiful neighborhood if I do say so myself! I wasn't sure if I would PR for this race as it was a Friday and I had trained hills the night before. But I went in with an open mind using this race as a training run for my next half marathon. I met some fun people along the course and paced with them for a bit. I took it easy and still managed a PR of 1:04:40!! I was pretty stoked with that time seeing as I trying but not really giving it my all.
This is pre-race with my babes!!
Waving, feeling good at the start!!
Almost finished, at this point I had about 1.5 miles to go! It was fun having my family come and see me a different points along the course! They've never done that before! It made for some extra special pictures!
The boy and I posing, acting silly after the race! It was hot and I was a sweaty mess. EJ did not want to kiss my or really even sit with me on this rock!
It was so much fun racing on the 4th of July! The kids and I walked to our local parade just down the street from our house and hung out for awhile! Lots of fun! Jay and I had fun playing a Baggo tournament against my parents after grilling out that night as well. Milton also puts on one of the best firework shows in the area for the 4th. We are so blessed that we are able to walk down to the cul-de-sac from our house and watch them! It was a beautiful blessed day to celebrate our great country.
Fast Feet for Families 5K
July 26, 2014
I love and hate this course!! This is an out and back course but
the out is all downhill and the back is all uphill!!! I ran it a couple times in the spring to train and with my half marathon training I've been running hills, so I was definitely more prepared then last year. I felt good about this race this year. I knew the course. I knew what to expect. I was prepared for the brutality of it all!! Because of my preparation I managed a PR for this course. Official time of 30:30 and 72 out of 129. Not bad considering last year my time was 31:46! That's a 1:16 PR! Super proud of myself and I know that it can only get better from here!
the out is all downhill and the back is all uphill!!! I ran it a couple times in the spring to train and with my half marathon training I've been running hills, so I was definitely more prepared then last year. I felt good about this race this year. I knew the course. I knew what to expect. I was prepared for the brutality of it all!! Because of my preparation I managed a PR for this course. Official time of 30:30 and 72 out of 129. Not bad considering last year my time was 31:46! That's a 1:16 PR! Super proud of myself and I know that it can only get better from here!
Starting off strong!!!
Coming up to the finish! I only walked once for a very short time just to manage the hills.
I love that I am still smiling at the end of this tough course!
Smiling and waving to the camera!!
Posing with my mom and my Maddie girl! Two of my biggest supporters!
#July100Miles Challenge
Love this!! This was another awesome month of training so I easily hit over 100 miles. It was 150 miles to be exact!!! SO proud of myself!! However, I am not a huge belt wearing person so I rarely wear my belt buckles plus I had to make a trip to Farm & Fleet to get a belt that would actually use a belt buckle! LOL It is still a cool buckle regardless.
I'm pretty excited about this buckle. Now I have a silver buckle for June and a gold one for July!
Training for Half Marathon #2
As you know, right after my first half marathon I began training again for my next half marathon, The Madison Mini. This training was a little harder with the warmer temperatures and my husband working weekends. I managed to run on the treadmill for longer weekend runs and get outside as much as a could. What made it easier was knowing the routine since I had already completed one training round. I managed to train hills at the high school especially and beastmode the rest either on the 'Mill or outside. I love the structure and routine of a training plan. Without it I would have had no idea where to start to train for a half marathon. I can't wait to say that I am training for a FULL MARATHON! Soon, but not too soon!
Until next time, Keep on running!!!
Until next time, Keep on running!!!
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