Hey everyone! I was just thinking that I haven't blogged in awhile and you are all probably wondering what I have been up to! Well a lot of it has been running! Duh! Haha! But seriously, I actually sat down this past week and mapped out my training plans for my half and full marathons, since I finally signed up for my first full marathon in November. It was quite eye-opening!! I realized that I actually should have started training for my half marathon in May already, so starting next week I am starting Hal Higdon's intermediate half marathon training plan week 3. It actually calls for less miles than I've been running so I think I should be ok! It's probably going to be really hard for me to stick to these plans initially because of the low mileage. I'm so used to high mileage weeks now! I did 50 miles again this week! I'm going to really try and I'm going to try and follow the rest days and stretch and strength days. I still have 3 more weeks of Insanit...