So it is quite clear that my addiction has reached an all new level this month! Granted I have been stressed out and needed some of those extra runs for my sanity, but last week alone I ran 60 miles!!! I have never ran that many miles in a week before!! I'm actually surprised I can still walk!!! I am thankful for Insanity Max 30 and PiYo for building my strength and endurance!
I guess more than anything I am thankful that I have found something that I love more than any other workout or sport! I am such a happier person when I run! There is no doubt in my mind that running has helped to save me!
Within the last week I have become more and more at peace with decisions I have made at home and at work. And I believe wholeheartedly that running helped me reach those decisions. Running is my outlet, my time to think, my time to reflect, and my time to be truly with me. I love my runs alone on the road with just my music and my thoughts. I can truly think things through, but most of all I get to enjoy something that makes me truly happy!
Another thing that helped was the weather! Although there have still been some really cold days, the sun has been out and that makes it so much easier to get out there and run! I think something inside me really wanted to prove to myself that I could run in freezing temps as well. Here are some pics from my running last week.
This last photo was Saturday when I met up with some friends to run and it was negative 7 outside!!! We had a great run of 8.64 miles! Perfect pace and great conversation!! Perfect start to my morning!! It wasn't until later that I realized I was so close to 60 miles!!
I cannot wait to be one of the 1%!! And I will be telling everyone I know about it!!!
I can only imagine what March will bring for mileage!! I can't wait to find out!!
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