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Showing posts from October, 2015

Marathon Training Recap Week 17--It's Almost Over!!!

Marathon Training Week 17!!!  I can’t believe it’s almost over!!!! Sunday 10-25-15 So today I rested.  I wanted to get out and run 8 miles to make up for some miles lost last week.  But then I kept snoozing the alarm.  Then I thought I could just run 5 miles and at least have done something.  When I finally got up, my EJ was up and so we snuggled together on the lazy boy recliner and watched The Golden Girls.  It was so nice to just sit and relax all morning.  I struggle with rest days and not working out.  Mainly because I struggle with my eating and usually overindulge on the weekends and regret it all week. I know my body needs to rest and I know it is good for my body and my soul to eat the foods I really enjoy and want to eat.  It’s just hard to find a balance.  I am struggling with this taper also.  It’s my first time really tapering for a race and I’m finding it more difficult than I thought I would.  I am so used ...

Marathon Training Week 16 Recap

Marathon Training Week 16 is done!  Wow, was that a total change in mileage!!  Plus a nasty cold that crept up on me didn’t help either! Sunday 10-18-15 Today was a much needed rest day!!!  I slept until 8:30 am after going to bed before 9 last night!  I so needed that extra sleep.  It was heavenly.  I spent the day doing laundry, running errands, and cleaning up the yard for the winter.  We put away all our lawn decorations and our patio table and chairs.  It was a lot of work and I was sweating a bit.  Just enough work so that I didn’t feel like a total bum today.  I did overindulge a little on some splurges this weekend, not many, but enough that my tummy was not happy this afternoon.  I am slowly learning my lesson.  My body craves real food and not the processed junk.  I’m learning!  I just need to remember how my body feels when I eat real food versus how it feels when I eat junk.  I never remember w...

Marathon Training Week 15

Marathon Training Week 15!!!!  Boy it’s been an interesting week!! Sunday 10-11-15 I went out on an easy run of 5 miles before the pancake breakfast put on by our fire department.  This is their biggest fundraiser of the year and it’s so much fun!  My run was tough.  My legs didn’t want to go at all.  I kept at it knowing that I really wanted to eat pancakes and that I needed to run at least a little bit in order to not feel so bad about eating them. They were delicious!!  I shouldn’t have felt that bad anyway since we walked to and from the Fire Department.  I guess I felt like I should because I ran so few yesterday.  I never thought I would say that running 10-12 miles was nothing!  That used to be so much for me.  It’s like nothing now to go out and run for 2 hours.  It’s amazing how that happens.   I realized after we were home for awhile that I had $40 in Kohls cash that would expire on Monday, so I headed out...

Marathon Training Week 14 Recap

Marathon Training Week 14 was an interesting week.  I am feeling positive about my running but negative about my weight.  I am proud of my muscles but irritated that my mom belly is not disappearing as fast as I would like.   Read on for more of my running, lifting, and weight loss ramblings. Sunday 10-4-15 I slept in this morning until 9 am!!  It was fabulous!  We had a family breakfast together and spent the morning chilling around the house.  Mads, EJ, and I wanted to try out our new running shoes so we went for a short run to test them out.  EJ still is not my runner boy, but he is only 5 and I give him credit for coming with us.  He was really excited to start out with and then petered out at the end.  He’ll get there if he really wants to.  Maddie did amazing, again, of course.  She wanted to go, go, go!  I finally let her run ahead of EJ and I because she was so speedy.  She rocked it!  She is going ...