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Marathon Training Week 15

Marathon Training Week 15!!!!  Boy it’s been an interesting week!!

Sunday 10-11-15
I went out on an easy run of 5 miles before the pancake breakfast put on by our fire department.  This is their biggest fundraiser of the year and it’s so much fun!  My run was tough.  My legs didn’t want to go at all.  I kept at it knowing that I really wanted to eat pancakes and that I needed to run at least a little bit in order to not feel so bad about eating them. They were delicious!!  I shouldn’t have felt that bad anyway since we walked to and from the Fire Department.  I guess I felt like I should because I ran so few yesterday.  I never thought I would say that running 10-12 miles was nothing!  That used to be so much for me.  It’s like nothing now to go out and run for 2 hours.  It’s amazing how that happens.  


I realized after we were home for awhile that I had $40 in Kohls cash that would expire on Monday, so I headed out the door!  The kids were driving me nuts and so was the hubby!  I honestly had nothing that I really needed, but $40 is $40, so I had to get something.  I really wanted to find some new hoops for my cartilage piercings, but I didn’t have any luck there.  I didn’t need to get any workout gear since I got some yesterday at Sams.  I hate the jeans I have so I went to look there.  I found a couple pairs on sale and then looked for some pants for work.  As you can see from my picture, I hate shopping for pants!  It is so Frustrating!  My thighs are thick and muscular and I am proud of them.  So are my calves.  Needless to say the khaki skinny pants didn’t happen!  Yes those are my muscles plus some bulging at the top of the pocket.  The lighter colored jeans are a size 10. bigger than what I usually wear but I wanted to be comfortable in my pants and they are always tight around my thighs.  I tried the darker colored jeans on first in a size 8 and liked them but wanted to compare.  They were both equally tight around my thighs and the waist was fine on the 8s and big on the 10s. Plus they are stretch so they were comfortable and not tight.  What I found really funny was that the bigger jeans (the lighter ones) actually make my thighs and whole bottom half look bigger than the darker, a little tighter ones.  It must be the wash.  Whatever it is, I will take it.  I have been very self-conscious about gaining some weight and clothes not fitting, so it was nice to see that I am actually still in the same size.  


I’m also enjoying a little bit of a cheat day today!  I’m not going to feel bad about it and I’m not stepping on the scale until Friday at the earliest.  

Check out my new Jamicure!  I really like it!  I did them last night and they look so pretty.  I love having pretty nails.  I just hope they last since I am hoping to flip my tire this week!

Monday 10-12-15
As we all know today is Arm Day!!!   Yes!!!  I love lifting!  Plus I had on my pumped up Donald Duck shirt which really helps!  Anyway, I popped in P90X Back and Biceps like usual.  Today I wanted to push myself a little with my pull-ups.  I think I have mentioned before that I do not have a pull-up bar, so I use resistance bands attached to one of the beams in my basement.  I usually go down on one knee to simulate the pull-ups.  Today I decided to try sitting on my heels to do the moves.  Just being slightly lower really worked my back!  I was amazed! I felt really good about my bicep work also.  I hope they are growing.  I feel like they are getting stronger and I feel like I am getting stronger in general, but the moves are still hard.  That’s how I know I don’t need to up the weights yet.  I would like to, but I know it’s not the right time.  I need to work on my form on some of the moves also.  My crouching cohen curls need some work.  I will do them again on Friday so I am going to try less weight.  I’ve been using 30s, but I end up leaning back to get the weights up and that is not correct form.  I’m going to try 25s on Friday and see if that is any better.  I got done pretty early since this routine is one of the shorter videos.  So I decided to do some deadlifts instead of core work.  I like to do my core work at night since I can do that anytime and in front of the TV if necessary.  So I brought back the deadlifts.  I did 2 sets of 10 reps with 40s, 30s, 25s, and 20s.  I did regular deadlifts and single leg deadlifts.  I could feel it a little bit as I was walking up the stairs afterwards, but by the end of the day the back of my thighs were really feeling it!  I love that feeling though!  It makes me feel so strong and tough!  I love a good sweaty workout!!

So I did my core workout again tonight.  I tried something different last night so I did the same tonight.  I did 100 crunches on the stability ball, glute bridges held for 30 seconds, and metronomes with the stability ball between my legs held for 30 seconds on each side.  Boy did my abs hurt today.  Since I did it again, I’m sure I’m going to be super sore tomorrow also!  I like feeling my core getting stronger though!  This is so my problem area.  

Tuesday 10-13-15
It was an absolutely beautiful morning for a 10k run.  6.2 miles of peace and quiet.  I love my early morning runs. It sets up positive vibes for my day.  I knew my morning was going to be hectic as I forgot to pack my daughter’s lunch the night before and I always have to get the dogs fed and let outside and help the hubby get his breakfast and lunch figured out.  Starting my day by doing something fun and healthy for myself makes me feel alive and like I can accomplish anything.  Even if my legs were super sore from deadlifts yesterday, my abs were sore from my core workout, my back hurt, and my left arm was sore from my flu shot.  I had so many things telling me to just go back to bed today, but I got my butt out there and I feel so much better because of it.  I know I can handle anything that life throws at me today!  I feel amazing and today is going to rock because of it.  

This afternoon Mads and I did some PiYo and I did my core workout on the ball.  We did a few songs with PiYo. Lots of core work.  Then I did 100 sit ups on the ball again with glute bridges and metronomes with the ball. I am so sore from all of this. I can hardly laugh, cough, or sneeze.  But it feels good to be sore and it is actually helping me eat less.  Partially because I can’t tell if I’m hungry or my abs just hurt.  I’m sure this will fade, but I am really enjoying the variety of my workouts this week. I feel amazing!!


Wednesday 10-14-15
Another beautiful 6.2 miles were run this morning.  It’s getting cooler and cooler.  I am loving it!  I still come home sweating like a pig but that’s just how it goes.  Whenever I put running clothes on or think about running, I start to sweat!  My body must just be conditioned that way now from all my running.  I felt pretty good on this run even if my legs are STILL sore from deadlifts.  I know they are good for me, but I haven’t done them in a while and boy do I have the DOMS.  Needless to say, I was going to do more on Friday and that is so not happening now.  


This afternoon I ran 2 miles to move and reduce some frustration.  I had been sitting at a conference all day, so my legs were stiff from lack of movement.  I’m usually on my feet all day at school so sitting does not sit well with me.  HAHA!  Anyway, I ran one of my fastest 2 miles in 19:32.  It felt really good to push myself a bit and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.  As you can see, I felt 100% better afterwards.  
After dinner I did my Core workout of 100 ball sit ups, supermans, glute bridges, and metronomes with the ball.  My abs are sore from the sits ups, but it still feels good.  I must be a glutton for punishment.

Thursday 10-15-15
I could only manage 5.2 miles this morning.  I was super tired and my legs were super sore and heavy.  NOTE TO SELF:  Do not run speed miles the night before your scheduled morning run!  That was a bad idea!  Today’s miles sucked!  Everything hurt.  My pace was not what I would have liked.  I was sweating like crazy in my new sweatshirt.  It was just not what I would have liked.  I’m glad tomorrow is arm day so I can rest my legs.  


I did my core workout again tonight.  It was good and I’m feeling stronger and stronger about it.

Friday 10-16-15
I really didn’t want to get up this morning!  I really just wanted to stay in bed and snuggle my Maddie girl.  She’s been sick for 2 days and is finally feeling better.  I hate it when my babes are sick.  Anyway, it’s been a busy week and my body was feeling it.  However, I know how I will feel if I don’t workout.  Plus I have 20 miles to run tomorrow and have already planned to do pretty much absolutely nothing on Sunday so I really wanted to do something today.  I snoozed my alarm until the last possible moment to get up.  I popped a few energy gummies and headed down the stairs for P90X.  I had Shoulders and Arms on the schedule for today.  I was feeling really tired, obviously, so I didn’t use as heavy of weights as I usually do.  I focused on proper form and adding in some reps since it was lower weight.  I was actually really feeling it by the end and was dripping in sweat.  It was a very nice workout.  I’m proud of myself for getting it done and now I can take the rest of the day off and not feel guilty about doing nothing on Sunday!  


Saturday 10-17-15
20 miles were on the menu for today.  I knew I wanted to get out early to get it done because I wanted to be able to do something with my family today and not spend the entire day running.  I knew it was going to be cold so I planned my clothes the night before and planned my route of laps around town instead of going out in the country with one large loop like I would normally do.  I actually got up and out the door at about the time I wanted!  It was really amazing!!  I started out in the dark so I had on my reflective vest.  I did one 8 mile loop and then came back home to take off my vest and grab more GU.  I had placed my extra GU and water in the back of my truck since I knew I was running loops today.  It’s so hard running loops.  It’s hard coming home knowing that you are not done and have to go out and do more.  I think that was the hardest part today.  My first 2 loops were 8 miles and weren’t too bad.  I was starting to feel it on the last loop coming towards the house.  The last loop of 5+ miles was the hardest.  I had to walk more than I wanted to and I just felt exhausted.  My legs felt like huge weights.  It was a physical and mental struggle.  I constantly felt like I couldn’t do it those last miles.  My body was aching and I was really struggling with my decision to run a marathon.  But I pressed on and I know I can do it.  I ended up running 21.4 miles today and survived!!!   It may not have been the fastest time (4:19) but I did it.  I kept going and I didn’t stop.  I am so close to that 26.2 mark, I can almost taste it.  I know I am sore now and will probably be even more sore after the marathon but it was worth it today and it will be worth it crossing that finish line November 8.  


We spent the afternoon at Busy Barn Adventure Farm in Fort Atkinson.  We go every year with the kids.  It is so much fun!  I love hanging out here!  It was good for my legs too since we were walking all afternoon!  The kiddos had a blast!  I love family time!  Now the rest of the night will be spent resting and snuggling!!

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Until next time, Run on, my friends!!
And always remember:



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