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Showing posts from May, 2016

7 Things Sunday 5-22-16

So I follow several other bloggers and one thing that a few of them do is a 5 Things Friday Blog where they tell about 5 things that happened during that week.  I thought I would give this a try this week just to see how it goes.  Except our week was so busy that I didn’t have time to get the blog up and ready by Friday so I decided to do a 7 Things Sunday Blog instead.  So here it is!  My 7 things from this week! On Sunday we began the clean up on the side of our house to get ready for our garage to be built!  Moving the bricks was a lot of work but the kids helped so it wasn’t too bad.  Yes, it’s true!  We do not have a garage!  We bought our house knowing that it didn’t have a garage.  There were so many other selling points that this was not a big deal for us.  We finally decided that we really need a garage now that we have a newer car, the kids have bikes and scooters, and we just seem to collect more and more stuff.  Plu...

Lake Monona 20K Recap, Mother's Day, Spring Sing, and Training

Wow!  What a busy couple weeks it has been at the Steele house!!!  We have been going non-stop since EJ’s birthday!!  It’s been crazy, but it’s also what makes life interesting!  I wouldn’t change our crazy life for the world!   So here’s what’s been going on in our little world! Last year I ran the Lake Monona 2oK out of curiosity.  I had never ran it before and so many other runners in the area were running it and raving about what a great race it was, so being the crazy runner that I am, I signed up!  This year I signed up again because it truly was an enjoyable race and because I have this competitive streak where I always want to beat my time at races I’ve already run.  And I am proud to say, I did just that!!  Last year I finished with a time of 2:12 and this year 2:08!!  That’s a 4 minute PR!!!  Yeah Baby!!!  I think the weather and my strategic training played a big part in this PR.  Cooler temps and extr...