Well, I finally did it! It only took me over 4 years to do it but I finally was properly fitted for running shoes!! (And it’s only taken me a month and a half to blog about it!! Darn Garage project and heading back to school! LOL (see previous post for more of my excuses!))
On Tuesday, July 26, my awesome friend Michelle and I traveled to Fleet Feet Sports in Middleton. Michelle and I work together at one of the middle schools I teach at. She is honestly the best co-worker in the world! We totally get each other which is awesome and makes going to work that much more enjoyable! We taught summer school together but I haven’t seen her since summer school ended. It was great catching up on things on the ride from Milton where she picked me up to Middleton. I honestly haven’t laughed that much in probably 3 weeks! It’s always great to hang out with my buddy!
Anyway, we arrived at the store and looked around for a bit before an associate came to help us out. There was a wall of all makes and models of running shoes, racks of clothing, and shelves of supplements, protein powder, gels, and other needs for runners. I literally felt like I had walked into a runner’s paradise!
And the service! It was fantastic! We both received one-on-one attention and a pretty comprehensive analysis of our running needs. Actually I really don’t know as I have never done this before, but it was nothing I had ever experienced before. They looked at our walk without shoes on, measured our feet, took a look at what happens when we put pressure on our feet, and watched us run a short distance. They pulled several makes and styles of shoes for us to try on and take for a short run down the sidewalk. I tried on NIke, Saucony, and Asics. We all know I love Asics, but I actually had a hard time deciding between the Nike and the Saucony. In the end, I chose the Saucony. I have run in them several times since purchasing them and I really like them. I did end up having to re-lace my left shoe to match the Hokas and the New Balance I already had at home, but after that, not a problem at all. I am saving these ones a little bit right now. I am only using them on the treadmill for my short speed runs. These will get outdoor mileage in October closer to my marathon. Right now my Brooks are my long distance running shoe.
Anyway, after we were fitted and made our choices, we looked around the shop for a bit. We both got new socks and I picked up some Body Glide for my chafing areas. Let me tell you, this has been a lifesaver on my long runs! Lately I have been chafing pretty bad under my sports bra. This has really helped to relieve that. I usually wear longer shorts but now that I have Body Glide, I don’t worry as much about chafing with my shorter shorts. Luckily, fall is right around the corner and I will be back in capris and long pants in no time. Until then though, I strongly recommend Body Glide to any runner who has chafing! It works!
Pretty nice kicks, huh?
So now that I have plenty of shoes for marathon training, I can tell you about how training has been going so far.
Training has been going pretty well so far. I am really trying to focus on having quality runs instead of just quantity like I usually do, but it seems like I am doing both. Anyway, here is a run down of what my running and training schedule looks like:
Sunday: Long run
Monday: Legs and a short run (2-3 miles)
Tuesday: Hill repeats usually 7 miles total
Wednesday: Easy run (I’ve been doing 7 miles in the morning but with school and morning meetings this run might be broken up eventually)
Thursday: Back and Bicep workout in the morning with a short run (2 miles). Finish up the run in the afternoon. These Thursday runs have ranged from 3-4 miles but I have 5 mile runs coming up.
Friday: Double strength training workout in the morning of Shoulders, Chest, and Triceps. A short run of 2-3 miles in the afternoon.
Saturday: 8 easy miles
I’m striving for 40 miles per week and with my long runs getting longer on Sundays I have been getting over that the past few weeks. This schedule is keeping me pretty busy but I am loving it. I am really loving my strength training. I am trying a new to me program. I am a total P90X girl but my friend let me borrow her Body Beast program and I am really enjoying the differences. I am feeling my muscles growing all over the place and I am super thankful that I didn’t cut out leg day like I did last year. Even though I have this workout scheduled for the day after my long run, I have been able to complete it each time and use some pretty heavy weights. I think because I am working slightly different muscles when I train legs that I am still able to complete the workout. Lunges for example, really help to stretch my tight quads after my long run.
All the moves are in supersets or giant sets so I am doing a ton of reps! It feels great though. I am being challenged. I am lifting heavy. I am building muscles. It’s awesome!
I have been pleasantly surprised by my long runs so far. Granted I have only had 15 miles as the longest run so far, but after that run I didn’t feel totally wiped out. I was able to walk around the Walworth County Fair with my family all afternoon and then complete my leg workout on Monday (Labor Day). Last year, I feel like I probably felt worse than I did this year and probably needed more of a rest. I think the walking at the fair helped though! I always seem to feel better if I keep moving then if I sit.
I am really surprised that I haven’t had any plantar fasciitis trouble this time around. I have been more conscious of alternating shoes and making sure they are not too worn out especially on my long runs. I think this has helped along with leg strength training and wearing my calf sleeves every night.
It’s amazing that I really don’t have more to talk about. Training has been really good. I am enjoying the challenges and really enjoying my time on the roads for my long runs. I’m having a blast which will make running 26.2 miles in November that much more enjoyable!
I’m going to try my best to write more training update blogs and other fun blogs now that we are getting into the routine of school.
So until next time,
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