One of my favorite races of the year is the Fast Feet for Families 5K race in my hometown of Janesville. I love this race so much! I have participated in this race for the past 2 years. I love it so much that this year I donated a Jamberry basket filled with wraps and hand care for the raffle prizes! This race is for such a good cause, the foster care program in Janesville, that I just had to be more involved this year. Not only because it could potentially bring me more business, but because of this worthy cause. Kids deserve to have a loving family environment to grow up in.
The race was Saturday, July 25, 2015. I got my family up after I had gotten ready so that we could drive the few miles to the race location. We arrived early so that I could get my packet and so we could enter our names in the raffle baskets. The kids had a blast putting the tickets in all the different baskets! I’m so thankful that I can share these experiences with them! I know they hate getting up early to come to my races, but in the end they always have a great time. Today was no exception. Plus they had extra motivation to be good at the race, since we were going to Little Amerricka afterwards.
Here’s my before picture! So excited to be on the road!
And I’m off! (I’m the one in the black shorts and pink striped top.)
This course is an out and back route. However the out is downhill and the back is uphill. It’s a fairly steep incline, not nearly as steep as the mountains of Pennsylvania, but steep enough that it’s a struggle to make it up the hill. Therefore, I wanted to go out slowly so that I could save some energy to really beast it up the hill. There was a water station a little after 1 mile on the course and some of the foster kids were there to hand out the water and cheer for the runners. I always love the cheerleaders on the course! They really help to get you motivated. Another reason I love this race is because there are many other runners that I am friends with from the running groups in Janesville that run this race. We are all so supportive of each other! We were all encouraging each other as we passed each other on the course! It really helped me to keep going when I felt like my legs were giving out on me! I love how runners are so supportive of each other. I don’t think I could have chosen a more supportive, encouraging sport to be a part of! I am totally in love with running and the running community!
So anyway, I knew that I wasn’t going to win as all my friends are a lot faster than me, but I was going to give it my all. Plus, I am knee deep in marathon training so long and slow are my main types of runs. I know my speed is not where it used to be but I pushed myself and did not take any walking breaks! I was super proud of myself for that!
Here I am coming up the last part of the hill towards the finish line! I was starting to get worn out until I saw the finish and knew that my family was there waiting for me!
Coming to the finish line! I was waving and smiling while trying to speed up at the end in this last picture, so my face is strange to say the least! I was thankful to be done as I was sweating like crazy and my legs felt like they were going to fall off from running so hard and fast.
My official time was 30:31.4 58th overall and 8th in my age group.
Last year (2014) my time was 30:30.5 72nd overall and 6th in my age group.
My first year (2013) my time was 31:45 50th overall and 2nd in my age group.
Every year this race has more and more participants which is awesome for the race, but it’s going to be harder for me to place. I’m not really that worried about it though. I am a distance runner and I will run this race for the great cause that it supports!
We stuck around for awards and to have a few snacks! Then it was time to head home to get ready for Little Amerricka!
Sweaty after pic and ready for a shower!!
Loving up Train Day at Little Amerricka!!
As always, thanks for reading and remember:
Run On!!
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