It's been an interesting weekend and start to the week. I am finally feeling better today and ready to kill my workouts the rest of this week! Let's do this!
Saturday 11-28
I woke up this morning and felt like crap. So I took some meds and went back to bed. I thought maybe I would get a run in later, but that never happened. We ended up getting our Christmas tree instead. It was a fun family afternoon.
I also got the tutus done for the Santa Hustle that Maddie and I are running in next Saturday! It’s going to be so much fun!!
Aren’t these super cute?? I can’t wait to show off our complete outfits next Saturday!!!
Sunday 11-29
I finally felt a little better this morning when I woke up. I really wanted to head out for a longer run today since I haven’t been out on a longer run since before the marathon. I had planned for 8 miles, but with the cold weather and still being congested and having a cough, I opted for my usual 5 mile route. I was really disappointed in myself. I guess my body is just not completely healed from the marathon and getting over this cold yet. I finally started to feel better at about 4.5 miles, so when I reached 5 by my house, I ended up running past my house and getting in another mile. That made me feel a little better at least. I am slowly learning to listen to my body instead of my inner fat girl. It is so hard when I want to work out every day and run every day. I have goals that I want to meet, but I know that I won’t be able to meet them if I am sick and or injured because I am not listening to my body. I am still learning how my body reacts to different things and it’s hard. It will get easier I’m sure.
Monday 11-30
On Monday’s we LIFT!!! I seriously love my routine! Because I was just getting back into the swing of lifting last week. I opted for the same routine to start this week. I did P90X Back and Biceps only I upped my weights for some of the bicep moves. I’ve been feeling my bicep muscles lately and I am not liking how fluffy they feel. I didn’t go super heavy of course, since I want to maintain my good form, but I knew I could go slightly heavier than last week. 15, 20 and 25 pounders for biceps and 30s for lawnmowers. I then did some leg work, of course. I love working legs!! I did deadlifts with 40, 30, 25, and 20 for 15 reps (added more reps to up the ante from last week!); single deadlifts with 30, 25, and 20 for 15 reps; calf raises with 30, 25, and 20 for 25 reps; and reverse leg lifts for 25 reps each side. I had a pretty nice burn going on today! I am so happy that I feel better today.
I totaled up my mileage for the month and was at 109, so I jumped on the treadmill when I got home for a mile to reach 110 miles for the month. I happy with that number considering I didn’t realize how long recovery would be after a marathon!
We ended the day putting the ornaments on our tree and I got in 15 minutes of a core and glute workout. I’m almost feeling back to normal! I think this cold is on the way out!! YES!!!
Until next time, Run on, my friends!!
And always remember:
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