Ok so it’s been awhile since I have updated everyone on the garage project! This project has completely overtaken our lives right now and I am exhausted!!
Here goes:
The overwhelming garage project continues on. However, I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m not going to lie; there have been tears, yelling, and every form of a breakdown in between. I literally cannot wait until this whole project is completed.
Here’s an update on what has been going on:
Monday, August 1: Today our Drywall was installed along the side of the garage that attaches to the house. This is a fire grade drywall that will protect the house if there is ever a fire, or I guess vice versa for the garage. I really have no clue what I’m talking about, but it sounds good, right? LOL
We also had a robin trapped in our garage today. Poor thing couldn’t figure out how to fly back out! Luckily we managed to gently coerce him out with a broom. He safely flew into the neighbor’s tree after that.
Wednesday, August 3: Today the drywall seams were sealed. I’m not sure when it happened but when Jay got home from work the seams were sealed. I didn’t grab a picture since it’s not really that exciting.
Thursday, August 4: Today the Inspector came to look at what has been done on the garage so far. He said everything was good and to keep working. I guess that means he’s just waiting to see the door when it’s installed. Dan our builder came by today to put the ladder in for the attic and put in the final outlet cover on the far side of the garage.
Friday, August 5: Today nothing happened on the garage, but Maddie, EJ, and I were busy getting ready for Maddie’s birthday party tomorrow. We frosted the cupcakes and finished decorating the house. So even though we weren’t busy working on the garage, it was still a busy day!
Saturday, August 6: Today was Maddie’s pool party at the Fort Atkinson Aquatic Center. It was so much fun. Maddie and her friends had a great time. So did EJ, even if he was surrounded by girls all day!
Sunday, August 7: We took it pretty easy today as I had a pretty rough long run this morning. So after getting the basic chores out of the way, we finally brought the metal work table up from the basement and put it in the garage. We’re going to paint it before we set it up in the garage. Luckily this beast came apart in 2 pieces so it made it easier to move it.
Monday, August 8: Today the Garage Door was installed! I cannot tell you enough how happy this made me! We are actually done with the garage! We can finally move in!! I also installed a new door knob and deadbolt combo for the door going into the garage. This doorknob has always given us problems. It would never lock and if we did get it locked, then you wouldn’t be able to get it open again. I was so proud of myself for installing this beautiful doorknob myself.
After that fun project I started spray painting the work table for Jay. He wanted it painted red so I moved it outside and started on that project. Later we went to our home away from home, Menards, for more paint, pegboard, and a shelving unit for the garage.
Tuesday, August 9: Today starts Jay’s second vacation of the summer so it was more garage fun! I built the shelving unit while Jay finished painting table and pegboard. Then we reopened up the attic opening through drywall which took some work. Plus it was hot and even hotter up in the rafters of the garage. We had to rework some of the wiring for garage door opener so that we could put the plywood up in the rafters so we have more storage. We also moved the grinder bench from shed to garage. It’s actually starting to look like a garage in there now!
Wednesday, August 10: Today was another busy day. We had dirt dropped off for around outside of garage to level everything out. It’s a lot of dirt and it’s going to take some time to grow grass in this area. We sold our boat today to a young man who had bought our other boat several years ago. He was a neighbor of ours and is now grown up and on is own. It was a little sad seeing him take it away since Jay and I had lots of memories of our early fishing trips in that boat. But it’s all for the best as we need the extra money for the garage.
Look at all that dirt!!
We brought up Jay’s tool box from the basement, moved the work table into garage and got 2 pieces of plywood in rafters. The full sheets didn’t fit like Jay had planned so this is taking longer than we planned as now we have to cut them to fit. It sucks but we’ll get it done.
Thursday, August 11: Today my mom and dad came to help with the electrical work. Jay and Dad spent most of the day in the basement and the garage putting in new boxes and wiring for the electrical in the garage. We now have a light in the garage and a couple outlets. We have more electrical work to do once we find lighting for the outside of the garage. We are having serious issues with that.
Electrical box by the back door and our new light above the door going into the house.
Friday, August 12: Today we took a rest day. It was much needed. I went to the grocery store and then we went shopping for lightning, but Jay and I cannot agree on what lighting we like for the garage. It’s very frustrating but I don’t want to just pick any lights. I really want something nice and something that goes with our house. It’s a lot harder than I would have thought it would be. Oh well! Hopefully we will find something soon.
Just a few of the lights I like. Jay’s not so sure.
Saturday, August 13: Today we got the rest of the plywood in the rafters. It was a lot of work. It was hot. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do but it’s done now and we can start to move things from the basement to the garage.
Sunday, August 14: We did some more lighting searching today and headed to Menards for braces for the extra siding to hang it up in garage since it won’t fit in the rafters since it is so long. We got this job completed today.
Monday, August 15: I began the basement reorganization/clean up today. I brought up boxes of camping stuff to put in rafters and when jay got home from work he completed the rafters with the bracing and helped me get the camping supplies up in the rafters. I am so excited to be starting this reorganization. I love to purge and organize things.
Tuesday, August 16: Today I again was in the basement organizing our shelves down there and cleaning things up. It looks like we have so much more space down there now! It’s crazy!!!
I love how organized my basement is looking! It makes me feel so accomplished!!
Currently we are still waiting for our dirt to be leveled around our garage. I have been told that it will happen today but we will see! We are still searching for lighting and we are still in the process of organizing the basement. We are putting off the attic organization until fall when it is cooler so we can wear long sleeves to be protected from all the insulation in there. I will definitely be giving you an update when that happens.
So that’s it! Our garage is pretty much finished! It has been really nice being able to put my truck in there and to have the Rogue in there. They haven’t been in there together too much since we have had other projects going on but it is getting closer and closer to them being tucked in every night in their cozy garage!
Until next time, thanks for reading my rantings and ravings about our garage project!
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