Marathon training began on July 11 with cross training. Mondays are cross training days and I am using those days to train legs and run a few miles in the afternoons, for now. I am not sure how my legs will respond to having a leg day right after my long run day. I am using Hal Higdon’s Intermediate marathon training plan since I have one 26.2 mile race under my belt. Last year I had Saturday’s as my long run day, but this year it will be Sunday. So my cross training may change if my legs are not feeling it for leg day. We will wait and see on that one.
Tuesdays are short runs of 3 miles so far. I am using this day to run hills. There is no hill training on this plan, but I know the course for the Madison Marathon is hilly so I want to be sure to keep this in the training plan.
Wednesdays are shorter runs of about 5 miles for right now. These will increase, but we all know I’m already increasing them. Last week I did 7 miles on both Tuesday and Wednesday. I just can’t help myself.
Thursdays are strength training and a short run. I am using this day for arm work and of course the short run. It’s only 3 miles on these days for now. These miles will be nice and easy.
Fridays are supposed to be rest days, but you know me, and how much I like rest days, so I am using this day for more strength training and I’ll run a few miles, probably only 2-3.
Saturdays are longer runs starting at about 5 miles. I am going over for now.
Sundays are the long slow run days. They started with just 8 miles (July 17) and 9 miles (July 24) so I did 10 both times!
I’m using P90X for my strength training right now. A friend of mine is letting me borrow her Body Beast program so I may try a few of those workouts on my strength training days to see how I like it and for a change every once in awhile.
So far I am really enjoying my training. I’ve finished week 2 and have completed my second week of leg day Monday and followed by hill repeat Tuesday. My legs are definitely feeling it more today than they did last week. I’m still taking it pretty easy on leg day. I don’t want to overdo it too much, but as I’ve said before, I think keeping this in the training will be crucial when it comes to my marathon in November. I know my legs will be stronger!
These are from my runs this weekend! It was brutally humid and the temps were already close to 80 at 6:30 am. It was not fun! These runs sucked, but fall PR’s are made with summer sweat!
Until the next update!
Run strong! Be safe! Stay hydrated!
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