So the garage project continues on! We’ve had about a week of no workers at our house which has been kinda crazy. Especially since the weather has been so nice! But when the materials are not available yet, you have to wait. It’s been super frustrating since the hubster has been home on vacation and was really hoping to be able to work on the garage, but we’ve been able to get some other projects around the house done so that has been nice.
Here’s the nice landscaping we did this week around our shed. It looks amazing! I am so happy with the outcome of it!
So the tresses for the garage were supposed to be delivered on Friday July 1 and that didn’t happen so we are still waiting on that. It’s getting a little frustrating with all this waiting going on. There are so many projects that I can’t start until the garage is completed. GRRRR!!
But now we have GRAVEL!! On Wednesday, JUly 6, the concrete company dropped off several loads of gravel. They leveled out the garage floor and got everything ready to lay the concrete slab. They worked really hard in the heat pouring the gravel and using a machine to compact it down. It looked like a lot of work! I am so glad I didn’t have to do that! I was a little worried about it with all the rain we received the night before, but they know way more than me so I am going to trust that they have it all under control.
It took 3 loads of gravel to get the floor leveled out and nice and smooth. But doesn’t it look nice!!
Thursday, July 7 the concrete company was supposed to be back to lay the concrete slab but thanks to the weather, that didn’t happen. Thankfully the weather on Friday was much better. The concrete company was back and thanks to my MIL and my awesome neighbors I have pictures and videos of the concrete being poured. I am bummed that I missed out on actually being home to see
On Wednesday July 13, we had another load of gravel brought in and smoothed out in our driveway since there was a huge gap between the cement floor and our existing gravel driveway. Hubby really wants to cement the whole driveway but our driveway is now huge and is going to cost us quite a bit of money, so that will have to wait for now.
These are my goofy kids watching the bobcat smooth out the driveway. Maddie was pretending to be a dog today so she has Marley’s harness on. She’s such a goof!!
So next week the builders should be at our house all week. They have apologized profusely for being so late in getting to the building of our garage. I’m just thankful that progress is going to be made on it next week. And the kids and I will be home to see it! Although the temps next week are supposed to be hot so I’ll have to make sure I am checking on the workers and making sure they have enough water. Temps in the 90’s outside building a garage is nothing to mess around with.
Until the next installment, have a super weekend everyone!!!
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