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Random Running Ramblings

Hey everyone! I was just thinking that I haven't blogged in awhile and you are all probably wondering what I have been up to! 

Well a lot of it has been running! Duh! Haha! But seriously, I actually sat down this past week and mapped out my training plans for my half and full marathons, since I finally signed up for my first full marathon in November.  

It was quite eye-opening!! I realized that I actually should have started training for my half marathon in May already, so starting next week I am starting Hal Higdon's intermediate half marathon training plan week 3. It actually calls for less miles than I've been running so I think I should be ok! It's probably going to be really hard for me to stick to these plans initially because of the low mileage. I'm so used to high mileage weeks now! I did 50 miles again this week! I'm going to really try and I'm going to try and follow the rest days and stretch and strength days. I still have 3 more weeks of Insanity Max:30 that I really want to complete so I will do that for sure and then I think I will add in some P90X for my strength days. It's been awhile since I did that program and I do really like it. I'm also going to practice more of my PiYo Live routines and that will definitely help with the stretch. I like having a plan and I like sticking to it, but I like he option of changing things up too. I really like how the Hal Higdon programs state that's it alright to swap days. I need that flexibility. Plus with teaching PiYo on Sunday's I like doing my long, long runs on Saturdays. It just ensures that I get all the necessary miles in and the time to do it. I also like splitting my runs on Sunday's. I like the option of knowing I can run twice! 

So since signing up for my marathon that's all I can think about. 

I'm so proud to be able to step up to that starting line in November! I'm a winner just for being there. I'm worried that I won't be fast enough, but I know I will finish! I am determined enough to do that!! 

I know I have been slacking in the speed area lately and using distance as an excuse. However, today I went running with a friend of mine who is faster than I am. She totally kicked my butt and pushed me to keep a much faster pace than I am used to for 10 miles. When I run by myself, I have every excuse to stop and walk. If it starts to hurt a bit or I feel a little tired, I will stop and walk. Today I didn't have that option and it was great! We ran 10 miles in 1 hour and 44 minutes!!! That's the fastest 10 miler I've ever run!!  So now that I know I can run at that pace for that distance, I need to push myself harder when I'm on my own. I'm super terrible on the treadmill, but I've got to teach myself to push through!! 

The only competition I have is with myself! I know I can do better and I have to get rid of all my doubts and fears! I can do this!!

So with that being said, I have reached idiot status and I couldn't be happier or more excited!! Here's to kicking some 26.2 miles in the butt!!! I've so got this!!!

Run on my friends, Run on!!



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